

莊淑芬 大地系列01Earth Series 01數位版畫、攝影、電腦繪圖90x60cm2022





2023 〈感之複寫〉莊淑芬影像創作個展,高雄市文化中心至真堂一館,高雄,臺灣

2023  桃城美展 優選

2022  桃城美展 首獎

2022  嘉義美術館作品典藏 

2020  藝術銀行作品典藏   


創作者運用當代藝術多元表現的不斷擴增、實驗,探索後現代攝影語境和邊界。作品「 大地系列」,透過身體與大自然多層次疊影的形象中,呈現出大自然與人類之間的親密關係,隱喻人與自然本為一體,宇宙創造萬物,人類、植物、動物彼此共生共榮,歷經成長、生命的延續、最後回歸大地,天地與我並生,萬物與我為一的意境。

The artist utilizes the ever evolving and experimental expressions of contemporary art to explore the context and boundaries of postmodern photography. The "Earth Series" illustrates the intimate relationship between nature and humanity through layered images of bodies and natural elements, metaphorically portraying the unity of humans and the natural world. This work conveys the idea that the universe creates all things and that humans, plants, and animals coexist and thrive together, experiencing growth, the continuation of life, and eventually returning to the earth. It evokes a profound sense of the unity of heaven and earth with oneself, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all things.