

  • 日期:2020-12-21

E-Mail:[email protected]

2020 「109年全國美術展」油畫類《早晨的套房Ⅱ》入選
2020 「Art Future百寶圖」,臺北富邦國際會議中心B2
2019 「臺灣當代一年展」,臺北花博爭艷館
2019 「臺中藝術博覽會」,臺中日月千禧酒店
2019 「藝術之聲」,臺中大墩文化中心


     In this Net Generation, it is difficult for us to escape the wandering environment of reality and fiction, and sometimes even fall into it... By observing the people, events, substance, and intentions depicting some feelings on the surrounding environment, I feel like the blurred face of the character and the hazy environmental space, perhaps expressing uncertain feelings and fuzziness for the future. Life is full of hesitation, whether to do or not to do, whether it is for real or ideal, it feels completely different from itself but is still itself... A vague and uncertain feeling shows the most realistic drawing. And this reality also contains loneliness, decadence, uneasy feelings... wandering in this ordinary life.