

  • 日期:2020-12-21



2020「植覺」水墨膠彩聯展 臺北書畫院

2020「沃野叢聚」臺藝大美術與設計聯合畢業展 臺藝新人獎

2019「一群老同學的展覽」 臺中市立港區藝術中心



     This is a series of works from "Black Furniture-Little Monsters". It focuses on expanding the contrastive difference of drawings, whether it is with Chroma or without Chroma, using black as the detail portray in pure black or pure white, or letting the water naturally color-grading technique, I think the more the two extremes are expanded, the central point of a tug of war with each other will appear more harmonious. What is depicted in the drawing is created using symbols similar to the ancient mythological animals of China as the protagonist, and then use traditional furniture or objects to match, conceiving to draw a kind of life, in imagination, hoping to get out of the magical scene, as seen from the corner of one's eye.